Bavaria Bits
Only in Bavaria!
Designs for the umbrella brand Bavaria shall typically be enriched with our Bavaria Bits. They depict a modern interpretation of classic embroidery patterns and give a uniquely Bavarian identity to our designs.
Bavaria Bits shall always be used if aesthetically possible and if they do not interfere with the communication purpose.
How to use Bavaria Bits:
- Height can be used variably as long as it can be identified as an embroidery quote
- When in doubt, work with typical sizes
- Angles can be used variably, horizontal/vertical is allowed as well
- Use Normal or Multiply as filling method
- Only use in colour “Bavaria Ice Blue”
Please do not:
- Recolour Bavaria Bits
- Use elements as watermark or unnaturally large (possible in special cases and after consultation)
- Fill elements with images
- Use more than one Bavaria Bit per page
- Use Bavaria Bits excessively, especially in media with several pages

The use of the Bavaria Bits requires creative sensitivity. It is very important to avoid drifting into cliché. When in doubt, work with the developed solutions from the templates.
Pixel embroidery in action
As inspiration, we demonstrate some examples of how to use the Bavaria Bits.