Claim: ”Servus Urlaub.“
The claim “Servus Urlaub.” in layouts (German only)
Whenever possible, the claim shall be presented on one-page layouts and title covers in combination with the logo. A uniform usage is preferred.
The claim can be placed directly to the left or right of the logo in the two specified one-line variants. However, it also unfolds its effect separately from the logo in a one- or two-line variant by means of a corresponding interlacing via the layout (see below).
Please always use the official claim files. They are available in all needed colour variations.
The claim is currently only available in German.
Inflationary usage of the claim shall be avoided. Negative example: Repetition on all inside pages.

Typical usage: Placement on the baseline, the height of the claim corresponds to the x-height of the logo lettering.
Simple rule of thumb: The claim file is always scaled as the logo file. Example: If the logo is scaled to 25 %, the claim has to be scaled to 25 % as well.
Placement options

Deviations due to the format (e.g. extremely vertical formats) are possible in individual cases (see chapter “Large Format 1000×2000 mm” for example).
In principle, logo and claim files may not be changed. To clarify this, we nevertheless show the underlying spacing rules here.