The Web Icon
Conjunction Print and Digital
With almost all media we think of both print and digital use. This essential conjunction is visualised by a dedicated icon that refers to the logo of the umbrella brand.
Making web addresses readable
Bavaria values modern communication, which is why we don’t think the use of „www.” is appropriate anymore. To ensure every receiver understands that modern domains ending on “.bayern” also refer to the website, we use the web icon.
Alternatively, we support the comprehensibility with phrasings like “… you can find online under”
Whenever possible, we avoid putting a web address at the end of a sentence. Thus, we avoid the misconception that the full stop at the end of the sentence belongs to the web address. If the web address needs to be placed at the end of a sentence, we do not put a full stop after the URL!

The web icon is available as a ready-to-use vector file.